Monday, May 14, 2012

Intellectual Debates

If you give the same question to a physicist, a philosopher, a biologist and a historian and they will all tackle the problem very differently. This is simply due to the fact that each field has a very different toolset that is used for working on problems. I think it is very important to recognize this difference when you begin an intellectual debate between different people from very different backgrounds. It is very important to stay clear about what question has been asked. Most specifically how each point being argued fits into your strategy to answer the question.

I think a cause for intellectual debates to turn into arguments is when both parties fail to recognize that they are not arguing the same question. I also think arguments develop when both parties think their way to think is "better". There is no "better" way of thinking about a problem. There is no "better" toolset to work with. Each approach is unique and quite interesting. So, it is important to listen to a person with an alternative view. You may actually learn something new.

image credit : warren carl stone

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